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Tips & Advice on Living a Happy Life


Papanca: It is a Pali word that refers to mental or conceptual elaboration, the web of thoughts and concepts that form our sense of reality.

Food & Your Mood

By Dr. Erika Kappes Nutritional Psychiatry is one of the newest branches of psychiatry, focusing on how nutrition andfood choices impact our brains and moods. Drs. Drew Ramsay and Uma Naidoo are leaders inthis field, both focusing on nutrition in their treatment of patients. Why… Read More »Food & Your Mood

Balancing Act

Coping with Anxiety During COVID

As we teeter on a fence, on one side tightening restrictions and on the other things loosening and a push to “go back to normal,” many people are feeling increased anxiety and, with it, increased confusion about how to cope and how they “should“ feel.

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