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Mental Health Hygiene: Invest in Yourself

woman doing yoga pose sitting on wooden platform

By Dr. Tania Diaz

When we reference hygiene, we think often of physical hygiene and the importance of maintaining our physical appearance. No one thinks twice about brushing their teeth, combing their hair and bathing regularly.  These basic behaviors are societal expectations when interacting personally and professionally with others.  It’s a basic tenant in our physical wellness that was instilled in all of us since birth.

Interestingly enough, while the term “mental hygiene” was first used by William Sweetzer in 1843 its use has faded throughout time until most recently.  As a society, we are conditioned into believing “boys don’t cry”; “you have to help yourself” and “only the weak ask for help”.  Ironically enough, it takes courage and strength to ask for assistance overcoming feelings of pride, shame, and doubt. It takes caring enough about yourself and potentially others to ask for help because the best gift you can give anyone is to “take care of yourself”.  Why? Because you show up differently, you give more of yourself because there’s more to give, and your productivity increases and social relationships improve.  Not to mention, it preserves your physical integrity because your mental health is the bedrock of everything.  

So the next time you brush your teeth or wash your body, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How many hours of sleep am I getting each night?
  2. How many meals are balanced and unhurried?
  3. How do I decompress after a long day of work?
  4. How much time do I spend in joyful activities?
  5. How much of my time is spent in the company of people I care about?
  6. How often do I exercise or do I exercise at all?

If you love someone, give them your best and your best is keeping yourself balanced, physically, emotionally, and spiritually because the best gift you can give anyone is “taking care of yourself”.

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